Thursday, July 17, 2008


I'm just popping in here to let (the few people that read this blog) everyone know that I have been taking a small blogging break, hence the absence. This summer has turned out to be a lot busier then I thought. We are trying to enjoy the nice weather while it is here. This week and next we have swimming lessons. I am working hard to make this summer special for the kids.

Like I said before I have a lot of thoughts I want to write down, but for now they will have to wait untill life slows a bit. I am also feeling the need to spend any extra time (and these days, extra isn't very often) I have with my Savior. I am struggling right now with some attitudes I am getting from my kids. I feel like I am doing something wrong as a mom. There have been some hard days, today being one of them. I am discouraged. I know that when I feel this way I just need to lay at the Father's feet. I need wisdom. I truly enjoy my little ones. I LOVE being a mom. I just need to figure a few things out. So, for a time (could be a day, could be another week) my blog will be "quiet" as I seek God and try to absorb what He wants me to learn.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts. I will be back soon, and hopefully with renewed strength and insight!


Janelle and Ella said...

Enjoy your bloggy break! :-)

Tamara said...

Have a good blogging break. I eagerly await your return! :)

Pete + Faith Olver said...

Hey, at least from my perspective you're not alone in the attitudes from children. Hang in there. Seek His face. Be encouraged.

Nancy said...

This is the first time I am reading your blog. I found it interesting and real.
I have had times of discouragement too. God always brings me through it as i can see He will for you too.

Charlyn said...

I applaude you for taking a break. I should do that myself. A break from all of my pages! (Myspace, facebook & blogspot). I spend waay too much time on them.

Maybe one day soon. :)
