It was no coincidence that I had just read a chapter in "Feminine Appeal" on loving your children. In one section Carolyn Mahaney talks about about Psalm 90,
In Psalm 90 Moses depicted the reality of the brevity of life. He compared our lives to a watch in the night, a dream, grass that flourishes-all brief and fleeting images. Then he prayed this way: "So teach us to number our days." Have you numbered your days lately? If we pause to count the remaining days we have with our children, we will realize how few they are.
It is so true. They do grow up so fast. I stand amazed that I have a 7 year old. How did that happen? And yet knowing this I can still sometimes loose perspective. A few months ago Anna said to me, "Just a minute...that's all I hear" Conviction hit like a rock. The reality is sometimes that "just a minute" never comes. How many times do I say things like, "I can't right now", "Let me just finish this up.", Hold on", "Just a minute." Sometimes those times are justified. Like I truly DO have to finish what I am doing (example: something overflowing or burning on the stove top. :-) ). But there are times when I am simply not making my little ones a priority. Sometimes because of my own selfish desires to do what I want, or all the overwhelming demands of motherhood, I tune them out or say no their requests.
I have been wanting to start making little dates with Anna. It doesn't need to be anything extravagant. Things like taking her out for hot coco, or staying up a little later so that we can chat uninterrupted, or maybe starting a mother/daughter devotional together. I think now would be a good time to start doing this..I only wish had started sooner. I know there is going to come a day when spending time with us is maybe not ranked first on her list. I only get one shot at motherhood and I don't want to miss out on any tender moments.
Teach me to number the days Lord. Help me to stop and enjoy the time I have with my children while they are still little.
This post made me tear up a bit. You are so right and I am so thankful for this reminder!
Sigh...I remember when my daughters treasured mommy and me I have to wait for them to like me again. ;)
I pray you have some wonderful one on one time with her. Don't look back. You are doing a wonderful job as a mother. Continue to be open to the Lord for what he would have you do as a mother with each of your children. Treasure this time as it sounds like you are doing.
Hi Elizabeth!
This is the sweetest post! They sent me the $25 egiftcard about four days ago via email. Maybe check your spam folders for anything from Target. I hope you got it!
~The Bargain Shopper Lady
Yes. I love to just listen to them and watch them play. They are sooo sweet. I don't want them to grow up! I guess that's why I just want to have more babies.
I came upon your site from one blog to another to yous and read the "teach us to number our days." Last year I heard that scripture 3 different times. I have heard again since. And then, tonight. Allison
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