Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lessons from a puddle

The other day I decided to pack up all the kids and head to the park. Everyone was stir crazy, and it was beautiful out so we really had to get outside to enjoy the day. I picked a small park that I felt would be manageable being by myself with 4 little people. They were all giddy with joy and could not wait to play.

First thing I noticed when we got to the park was a HUGE puddle. "Oh great" I thought to myself. I knew James was going to see it right away. Sure enough, within minutes he eyes up the water. First he looks at me then the puddle, then he starts running. As I opened my mouth and said, "Stay out of the water", I felt the Lord nudge me. "Relax. It's ok. It's just water...and water dries. Let him enjoy being a boy."

So, I took a deep breath and sat down and watched. James ran and jumped and splashed,. Soon Ryan was joining in the fun. Both boys completely soaked but loving every minute of it. I just sat and watched in amazement. (Anna sat contentedly playing in the sand during all this) They had a whole park of fun things to play on and yet they chose the puddle. We were there for an hour and and a half and this is what they did for the majority of the time. I honestly think they were probably both thinking, "I can't believe mom is letting us do this. We better keep at it for as long as we can." :)

I know it won't always be appropriate to allow them to do such things, but in that moment it was. I needed to let them do what boys love to do. I found such pleasure in watching their joy written faces.

I read a quote the other day that said something like, "Oh serious mother today is the day to smile." Sometimes I find myself being far to serious and not enough silly. I know the Lord used this to show me that I need to lighten up, have fun with my kiddos, and find joy in the simple things.

I don't want to wake up one day and realize that I missed out on opportunities to experience the joy of childhood, because I was always too busy doing the "right" or "proper" thing. So I have resolved is the day to love louder, hug tighter, laugh harder, grab them by the hand and do a silly dance,take a deep breath and enjoy watching my kids be kids. I'm not sure what that all entails yet, and it might look different each day, but I know that it'll bring a smile to my far to often serious face. And we might just all learn something in the process.

I think I am in for a crazy silly ride...


Bethany said...

I haven't said this in a while... I love how your write, more so how you think! You are gifted, Elizabeth. You also let the Spirit do the nudging and that is what bring such joy to reading your posts. Good for you for letting the boys get wet.

For future reference, when I feel that same nudging, what should I do with wet sneakers? Did you wash them dry them in your laundry machines?

The Bailie Clan said...

I know which park you went too...hee hee. I went there a good week ago, and it was the same way! ahhh!

Ash loved it though....

I can see how you'd be more uptight about your daily activities, etc...cuz you have a whole army! But I'm glad you're aware that it's okay to LET LOOSE every now and then. It's soooo much more enjoyable! And it draws you closer to your kids if they feel that it's okay to be crazy kids with you watching or whatever! :)

Debbie said...

Thanks for sharing. What a good reminder that we all need to be a little crazy with our kids sometimes. This come at a time for me when things are very stressful with the kids as we have some serious issues to deal with, but it doesn't mean I should be a little crazy with them at times even now. Please be praying for us. Thanks

Melissa said...

its okay... I would have headed straight for that puddle too :)

Pete + Faith Olver said...

Great Post on puddles. Since we live in a country with 6 months of rain my kids have come to love playing in the rain. At first I was very hesitant, especially since the dirt/mud here has a lot of mineral content that stains easily. Now I have relegated certain rain clothes. I know they're going to have culture shock when we return to N. America and all the kids aren't running outside when it rains. I really enjoy you blog.

Wendy said...

Great post!

Thoughts from the past
