Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What? it's only Tuesday?

So far this week has been very busy. At least it feels that way to me.

Here is a rundown:

*Sunday VBS started in the evening. Sundays always seem pretty busy, so when you add something else in it really feels full. But, the kids are loving it. This was one thing on our summer fun list.

-Anna started having breathing problems again Sunday night so she was up 2 times for breathing treatments.

*Monday-We did lots around the house. Read lots of books from the Library. Kids all took naps because everyone got up at 6:30 am. I took all 4 kids back to VBS. That was fun and exhausting. I was seriously sweating from having Claire in the sling and chasing James for 2 hours, all the while trying to help the older 2 with stuff. Thankfully a sweet family from our church helped me out alot.

*Tuesday (today) started early, Anna and Claire both woke up at 2 A.M. Anna needed a breathing treatment, Claire needed a paci. Then both girls were up again (they don't even sleep in the same room) at 4. This time Claire wanted to eat, and Anna wanted a drink. I went back to bed at 4:45 and then had to get back up at 7:30.

-Anna had her 7 year check up and Claire her 4 month at 11 A.M.. Both girls had to get shots. :( Then we had to be back at the house by 12:30, to meet Bill's dad who was driving the kids and I to meet Bill at his work. I have no idea how, but we made it back home (having stopped to get gas and go through McDonald's) on time.

-We had Ryan's appointment at children's hospital (Bill works a few minutes from the hospital, the reason why we met him there) at 1:30 P.M. That went well but it looks like he does need to have surgery. I don't even want to think about that right now.

-We skipped VBS this evening. I am physically and mentally exhausted. I keep thinking that it must be Thursday or Friday only to realize that it is ONLY Tuesday. :) The rest of this week is equally as busy, so I am really looking forward to a quiet weekend.

Well, I am off to bed now. I think I need a few hours of beauty sleep before tomorrows busy day gets here! Life is good, but very full lately. I really do love summer even if I am spent by the end of the day! :)


Debbie said...

Wow, I am tired just reading about your week. I hope you are able to get more sleep. Does Anna have Asthma? Why does Ryan need to go to Children's? I will pray for you.

The Bailie Clan said...

oh my word! and as if you took the time and energy to post! hee hee! you're crazy!

sorry to hear that ryan will have to have that surgery... you'll have to post more on that, later of course!

i hope you find rest this weekend!

two days away....

Liz Ferguson said...

Debbie, Anna does have asthma. She has had issues with this for a couple of years now. It seems to mostly be seasonal...but it could also be related to allergies too.

Ryan needed to see a urologist at children's. He has had an issue since he was a baby (a boy issue and nothing major). We have been keeping an eye to see if anything would change...since it hasn't...and the Urologist said it isn't going to get better we are going to have to do surgery.

Thanks for your prayers.

Thoughts from the past
