Sunday, April 27, 2008

A day out

My friend Janel and I had been planing for this day for about 3 months. I had gotten a $100 spa reward through a promotion at Walgreen's. I was pregnant with Claire at the time and didn't think I would get a chance to redeem them, so I gave them to Janel, who was going though a rough time. When Janel tried to redeem the spa rewards she found out she couldn't because they were in my name. Then we found out that the rewards could be redeemed for a prepaid visa. So, Janel gave them back I sent it in and got the visa. Since I had given the spa rewards to Janel to begin with, we decided to do something fun with the money...split it and and go shopping together. :) Imagine $50 each to spend...guilt free!!! When does that ever happen? Never!

Yesterday was the day we planned to go shopping. The morning started out rough on my end (James ingested a bunch of Tums and I had to call poison, if your child eats less then 25 they will be ok!), and hectic for Janel. But, we managed to finally get out (kid free, except for Claire who came along because she still needs to be with me all the time) around noon. Our husbands both lovingly agreed to watch all the little ones so we could have a day out.

We picked up coffee and then hit the mall. We literally shopped till we dropped. Both of us were feeling stressed that morning, but thankfully once we got out were able to enjoy the day. We had so much fun trying on all kinds of clothes and shoes. It is so much more fun to shop with a friend that can tell you their honest opinion about whether you look great or hideous in an outfit!

By the end of the day I ended up with a GREAT pair of jeans; who doesn't love a comfy pair of jeans, esp. when the tag said size 6 and they fit (I'm not bragging about the size, it just felt great to get out of maternity...I still have about 18 pounds left to loose). And I got 4 really cute tops, that cover up what I don't want showing! :)

What a fun day full of laughter. We were both exhausted by the end and couldn't wait to get home to our families. We didn't get back until 9 p.m.!!

I am so blessed with the friends God has placed in my life. My friends have been there so often when I needed it the most...especially lately, with the birth of Claire, and with life being so uncertain right now. I am so thankful and so blessed.Janel and I at the end of a long fun day!


Bethany said...

So fun! Comfy jeans are hard to find for sure!!! Did you wear one of your new outfits yesterday to church? You looked cute!

Bethany W. said...

So glad you had a fun day! I am rejoicing with you!

Nicole said...

What a fun day!

Our Family said...

Awww...I'm glad you guys had such a fun is nice to get out and shop for yourself for once and with a friend... I agree even better :)
