Wednesday, May 21, 2008

7 candles

How did this even happen? I blinked my eyes, and in an instant you were blowing out 7 candles. I look at you sitting next to me with wonder. I see you blossoming and growing into a beautiful girl.

I remember the day we found out that you would be joining us, and the day we were told that you would be a daughter. Tears filled my eyes, daddy beamed with pride. He whispered to me that you would be beautiful. He could see someday walking a beautiful bride down the aisle...our future displayed before us, dolls, pretty dresses, lipstick and shoes...glimpses of good days to come.

You are my firstborn, my baby girl. After 20 plus hours of labor they laid you in my arms...I could hardly breath. I have forgotten many things over the years, but not that moment. You were here and were more beautiful then we could have imagined. With tears we praised the giver of life, for this precious gift. On May 21, 2001 our lives were forever changed; we started our journey with you.

My precious Annaliese I am so thankful that God chose you to be in our family, and that He chose me to be your mommy.

God I praise you for Anna, she is so precious to us. Thank you for making her who she is, that she is fearfully and wonderfully made. I pray that she would understand that You have made her unique and for a purpose. I pray that as she grows her love for you would grow. From a young age we have seen you plant in her a desire to spread Your good news. I pray that her heart would remain tender towards you and for the lost. Thank you God that you have gifted her with many talents, I pray that you would use those for your glory. You have given her a strong will Lord and I pray that you would direct that will and make her a strong, courageous woman of God. Thank you for the mind that you have given her the ability to remember things easily, I pray that she would use her mind to fill it with Your Word. She is such a blessing to us, thank you God.


Grahamommy said...

That is such a beautifult tribute. You do such a good job at those for each of your kids birthdays.

Janelle and Ella said...

This is so sweet!! My eyes are filled with tears. I get very setimental just thinking about my first born, Ella old enough to be 7.
Very, very cute birthday cones idea!

Thoughts from the past
