Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Honor Your Husband Challenge

I have read about this challenge on about 7 blogs I read. I was really excited about it, but things have been so crazy around here that I didn't have time to start right away. Anyway, I am joining in late. I feel like this is very timely for me to do with everything we have going on.

I have been wanting to read the book Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerics...I am going to start that this week.

My goals for this week:
1.) Get up in the morning and see Bill out the door to work
2.) Pray more diligently and specifically every morning for him
3.) I want so much to be an encouragement to Bill with his job search and be supportive
4.)No complaining about the kids when he come comes home

Bill and I just celebrated 7 years together in June. It has been a privilege to be married to him. I couldn't have asked God for someone who was made more perfect for me. I love Bill so much and am so thankful that I get to be his wife.

My desire is to be the wife that he needs. I know that I am going to need strength from the Lord to do that. The Lord has really been stretching me as a wife. I have such a wonderful husband...but finding a way to be an encouragement has been hard. I am so excited about doing this...I want to be a blessing to my husband.


Denise said...

May your marriage be sweetly blessed.

Alida Sharp said...

May God truly bless and enrich your marriage!


Nicole said...

What a wonderful idea! I think I'll join you in this 30 day challenge.

Christine said...

So good to have you join the challenge! I've heard about the book you mentioned but have never read it. I'll have to check it out!

Blessings to you this week as you seek to meet your goals!

Our Family said...

That's Awesome, actually I've learned to be a little more devoted lately too. I've noticed how Awesome the effects really are on our marriage too. Less complaining and more encouraging and just being the wife and mother God wants me to be!

The Graham Family said...

Well, I think that you are a blessing to your husband. I know that you will also be a great encouragement to him. The Lord has placed it on your heart and you are making the effort. You will be. I also want to thank you for being an encouragement to me and an example of a loving wife.
