Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Please pray

God is good! He has been and is so good to us. But I would just ask that those of you out there that read this please pray for me. I don't know how to be an encouragement to Bill. He just came home and told me that the one job we thought he might get, he was turned down for. It is another blow to him. How many more times do I have to watch him be crushed? is breaking me. My heart is so heavy. I am trying so hard to be an encouragement. I even hid my tears from him. I am just so sad right now. I am going right now to lay before my Father in Heaven.

Please understand, I am not complaining. My heart is just so very heavy...I covet your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Praying...for your encouragement AND for a good job for Bill!

Our Family said...

Hang in there, you should really read Nicky's might be a little encouraging to you. Be patient, God has blessed you & your family so much already, He is only waiting for that right job to come along or open up for him. I will continue to pray for you!

On another note.....I MISS YOU:) This week has been really crazy, but we need to get together soon!

Charlyn said...

Praying for you both. When God shuts one door, he opens another.

Again this verse comes to mind:

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you"

I'm sure he didn't get that job because God has something better for him.


Loving Life said...

Praying dear friend! It does hurt to see our men hurting so we'll just pray for extra strong shoulders for you both and for that perfect peace from Him, that comes when understanding is muttled!
loving you my Friend!!! (maybe you just need to move out here ;) I could use a good homeschooling buddy :)
love ya,
