Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ryan turns 6

The bigger brother turned 6 on the 22nd (yes the boys birthdays are a day apart!)
One of Ryan's creations.
Ryan eating a pine cone. (There is a funny story behind that, he was pretending to be the squirrel on Ice Age) And yes, he has marker on his head. He likes to draw on himself. :)
Oh sweet boy, I can't believe you are 6 already! You are turning into quite the sweetheart. You are a charmer, always telling me that I am beautiful and that you love me. You melt my heart. God has gifted you with a sensitive spirit. You make us all laugh with the funny things you say. You are very creative in everything you do. I can't wait to see what God has planned for you. I pray that you grow into a godly young man and strong leader. I am so happy that I get to be your mommy! You fill my heart with so much joy. I love you more then I can express!

Happy birthday Ryan!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Ryan!

That's a really funny picture of you eating that pinecone! But you might better leave those for the real squirrels. They're probably hungry!
