Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The way she came

Wouldn't you love to step outside and find this sweet thing outside your door? I know I would. Oh wait, I don't have to because she lives inside my door! :)

A funny story about these pictures. First of all taking pictures of newborns can be sort of tricky...especially naked ones. You need to be prepared for what can happen when you take the diaper off. In that first picture, you can't see it but there is a nice size puddle on the ground next to the box that Katy is on. This happened almost as soon as I took her diaper off. At first I wasn't sure what to do but then figured oh well and kept going. I cleaned up the mess when I was done. :) The other thing I wanted to mention about photographing newborns is that they are fairly pose-able.  I wish I had remembered that for the first picture. It would have looked cuter if she was all scrunched up like the second one. Oh well, live and learn.

I think taking pictures of babies is one of my favorite things to do, and if I was a "real" photographer maybe that's what I would specialize in. :) Thankfully I have my own baby and can get my fill of that for the time being.


Nikolai Family said...

Beautiful! I wish it had been warmer out when Sonya was born. Then I could've attempted some naked baby pics. :-) I guess I'll have to plan the next one better... haha

Unknown said...

Oh Elizabeth, these are beautiful! I laughed at the "puddle" part:)
