Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Outside and in

It's been cold and gray out most of this week, which perfectly reflects how I feel at the moment. It has been a very hard mommy week. I am in a funk. I am pretty weary. I am very discouraged. I am at my wits end. I keep falling at my Father's feet and asking for wisdom. I need it badly. I just don't know what to do anymore. I wonder sometimes why the Lord has entrusted me with my children. I feel so inadequate. But maybe that's just the point. He wants me to rest in that. I cannot do this on my own. I take comfort in the fact that He has promised to gently lead those that have young. So I place my hand is His during this rough road.

Oh Father lead me. My heart is breaking at my children's attitudes. I need your grace and your love. Help me to be the mother You have called me to be. Please bring fresh perspective. Help me to find my strength in you. I pray that my children would see Christ in me. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for loving me. Oh how I need you...


The Jessie James Gang said...

Oh how often I feel my inadequacy!

Thanks for sharing what is on your heart on your blog - I shy away from sharing what is going on in my faith walk on mine, but so often when I read yours it is just what has been on my heart too. I should share more.

I take comfort in what Paul said "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase".

We must be obedient to be planters and waterers and trust God for that increase! I'm preaching to myself - because its usually my own rotten attitude that I'm grieved over.

Wendy said...

I feel this way often too and more so in times when I am not spending time in the word and in prayer.

I think this is some of the point ... for Him to increase and me to decrease.

I pray the rest of your week is better and that you will get some time to spend w/the Lord, just being still and trusting in Him.

Pam said...

Hang on, Liz. This week will pass. We ALL have those same feelings. Some of us more than others, but they are there.

And as for the attitudes of your children, I am amazed everyday at the way my oldest acts. And I'm not saying it's good either!

I can't, for the life of me, figure out where we went wrong. I guess it's not where we went wrong, it's where they've strayed from the "right" that we've taught them that is the hardest to swallow. Trying to get them back on the straight and narrow is sometimes harder than it should be.

But do not give up, I know that may seem hard to hear. You are a perfectly capable parent who's just having a disparaging week. Things will improve, He'll see to that!

Tara said...

HUGS Liz! I SO feel your pain. I always have to remind myself that these little humans are their own person and all have such different personalities. I will keep you in my prayers!

Phyllis said...

Oh, me too! I'll pray for you. Can you pray for me?

Debbie said... gotta love them for drawing you closer to the Lord. Parenting isn't easy, & yet we would never wish not to have our kids. Keep looking to the Lord.
