Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You Capture: Fun

Beth at I should be Folding Laundry Hosts "You Capture", a weekly photo challenge. Since I love a good excuse to take pictures I thought I would join in. This weeks challenge is "fun"

Tonight as I was getting Claire ready for bed she nearly jumped out of my arms to be with Daddy. She just adores Bill.
Making silly faces.

Giving Daddy kisses.

Snuggling in for a goodnight hug!

I'm not sure who had more fun, them or me. :) I just love to see Bill with our little ones. It melts my heart every time.


Capturing Sunshine said...

Oh I love it! Now I am longing for another. ;) Daddy's rock, don't they?!

Michelle Simpson Photos said...

Adorable! Wonderful photos!

Christine said...

Oh, aren't Daddy's girls wonderful?? The funny faces are precious!

Charlyn said...

Precious. You are really getting good at this Elizabeth! I might need pointers some day - if I ever get a new camera!

InTheFastLane said...

Those are adorably fun! Nice captures!

Erin said...

These are all making me melt! I love her faces and then the snuggle at the end.

Christy M. said...

I think my heart melted just looking at those photos. What a special moment between Daddy and daughter.

Great captures!!

Anonymous said...

Awww...Excuse me while I sop up my melted heart!! How adorable. What wonderful photos!

Bacardi Mama said...

You have to love a daddy's girl. very sweet.

Unknown said...


good captures!

audrey said...

So precious. Melts my heart.

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Liz, your youngest girl is just beautiful! You are blessed indeed my friend!

Saj said...

VERY fun shots! What a sweet face!

Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...


Wonderfully done, these pictures bring me happiness!

Rosina said...

Thanks for visiting! I always love babies' faces, they are just so sweet. Great captures!

tiarastantrums said...

LOVE the silly face and the last on e- so tender

Pam said...

Oh, I just love all of these pictures! They are just wonderful! Glad you had such a good time shooting them, too.

Suzi K said...

Those shot are SO precious! I love them! Great job Liz!

sunnymama said...

She is having fun with daddy! She's adorable and these are lovely pictures.

April W. said...

I love the pictures. I also like the new blog design.
