Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where I am

This space here has been pretty quiet. Busy life has taken over recently. It became a whirlwind when things opened up for us to move back to WI a month ago. We packed up our place in a week and left MO. Needless to say there has been no shortage of things to do. Just within the last week life is finally starting to settle down (with the exception of some yucky stomach bugs we have had) and we are adjusting to yet a new normal. Homeschooling is going okay, although I am still trying to find my way and find things that work for us. 

We moved back here just in time for some fun winter much snow everywhere! We have spent most of our days at home.  I have been enjoying some quiet afternoon activities when the littles sleep. The other day I made a patchwork strap for my camera.  I am loving how it turned out.  I also made a diaper bag with a bunch of baby things to go inside it for Claire's baby doll...her birthday is tomorrow, she turns 3.

That's about it for now.  I have lots of thoughts floating around my mind but haven't really been up to writing them down. Maybe sometime soon.

Until then...


Nicole said...

The camera strap looks awesome! How creative!

The Bailie Clan said...

oooo I love the prints!!! LOVE THEM! :) what a great idea!
