Friday, May 13, 2011

Loosing it

My body has seen better days.

After having 5 babies things just aren't the way they used to be. I'm not sure what it is but after having each of my girls I have had a hard time loosing weight. With my boys I lost all my baby weight (and then some) right away. Right now, after having Katie I am the heaviest I have been (non pregnant). I still have about 15-20 pounds to loose. I have wanted desperately to get into a good exercise routine but have struggled to find the time (and energy) to fit it in. I know it sounds like excuses, and maybe it partly is but it is what it is. Exercise has been anything but consistent in my life the past 10 months. I feel bad about it yet I continue to not do much about it.

Until recently.

I decided that I just needed to take one day at a time. There are a few baby steps that I have taken over the last two weeks.  Nothing earth shattering or new just small things to get myself going.

~I sat down and made a daily schedule. This was very helpful to see how I should order my day and best be able to fit in the things that need to be there.

~I made time in my day for the most important thing...quiet time with the Lord.

~I am getting up earlier. I am not much of a morning person but this seems to be helping me get off to a good start.

~I eat a healthy breakfast like oatmeal when I feed the kids. Often I used to skip breakfast and just drink tea, but then I end up snacking on unhealthy foods all morning.  Eating a filling healthy breakfast has helped me to feel energized so I don't have the urge to sack.

~I drink LOTS of water. This is something that I have always done but I consider this to be so important.

~I have come up with more creative ways to get some exercise in.  This sounds really lame compared to some of my friends who go to the gym several times a week or spend hours a day working out, but in this stage of my life this is what works for me.  I have been doing things like playing baseball with my kids. Instead of having the kids be the ones to fetch the stray balls I am continually running after the balls.  This gets my heart going. We also play basketball or kick a soccer ball around.  Sometimes I walk laps around the church we live next to while the kids play in the yard. I also try and go for walks by myself, but this still doesn't happen nearly as often as I would like.

~I have cut out snacking in the evening.  I think this is possibly the biggest thing for me. Bill and I will often sit and watch a favorite show in the evening (after the kids are sleeping) and eat a bowl of popcorn. Now if I feel hungry at night I drink a glass of water and the desire to eat goes away.

~I have decided that I can do this!  I just realized that I have it in me (with Christ's help) to do this.  It is such a wonderful feeling. I decided that I need to be more positive (not just about weight loss) and choose to have joy in everything. This is something that the Lord has been working on me for years. It is so freeing to choose to have a positive outlook on life. Honestly, I believe that having joy  is one of the biggest steps you can take to becoming a healthy person. Scripture even says so, "a joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." Provers 17:22

And guess what? This week I lost 3 pounds!! This is HUGE for me.  My scale has not budged in months.  I am so excited. I really do feel like a new person and it's not just about the weight loss.  I believe all these changes will add up to a healthier, happier me. :)


Nicole said...

Great job making all these changes and making your body a priority as well! I think the 3 lb. lose is a great reward for taking the steps needed to be a healthier you!

Charlyn said...

My story is very similar. I have made subtle yet easy changes in my lifestyle that I think I can live with here on out. Many are like yours! Healthy breakfast, increased activity (however that looks for you), healthy snacks between meals, and no eating after 7. I've lost 25lbs! :) Most important, prayer. I prayed first for the desire to lose weight, and then for the strength. I want to honor Him with my choices and show self control!!! You'll have it off in no time - you always look great!!

Unknown said...

This is great, Elizabeth! These are the things I need to start doing. Thanks for the encouragement and prayers. You DO help me, through your blog and your kind words! :)

Wendy said...

this is not an easy thing, especially as a mom. it's great that you are trying to be more healthy and making that a priority. i went through a long period of not doing much exercise and not eating the best. i feel so much better now, and i think i am a better mom for it.
