Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Various and Sundry...Ryan

I am taking a break from all the doom and gloom on my blog. Thought I'd share a few random things that I found amusing.

A few nights ago after our bedtime prayers with the kids we started taking about how you get to Heaven. And we talked about what happens if you don't place your faith in Christ. We talked about the Lake of fire (first time we talked about this with Ryan a while back, he said he wanted to go there to see the fireworks!) and how it is not a place you want to go. Ryan said, "Yeah, I can go there with Luigi (you know Mario and Luigi? From Nintendo.) he can swim in the water."

"Ryan there is no water in the lake of fire. It is a very scary place."

Ryan looked very thoughtful for a moment then said, "Well, I can fly out."

"Oh no you can't do that Ryan."

His response was, "Well, Jesus can make me into a unicorn."

At that point Bill and I realized that Ryan has no grasp on reality! We were trying so hard not to laugh. Not because he didn't understand, but simply because he is so childlike. Everything is a video game or movie to him. :) He is a very sweet and VERY imaginative child.

I asked him the other day what He wanted to be when he grows up..."Spider Man."

I guess we'll see how that works out! :)
This is just a random assortment of toys that Ryan was playing with one day....several of which belong to his sister. Notice the Star Wars. There always has to be a Star Wars guy among the group! :)

1 comment:

Shelly said...

LOL!!! A beloved Mario Kart player myself (well...it's been many years), I was cracking up at him saying Luigi could ride out of the lake of fire! lol!
