Thursday, September 20, 2007

4:45 a.m. wake up call

"Bill what was that?" I gasped out, in a half awake voice.

Bill jumped up. "I don't know." He ran over to our bedroom window to investigate.

it was a startling noise that woke us both up this morning. It sounded like some big animal was either in our room, or right above us.

Next thing I hear is Bill yelling out the window, "Hey, what are you doing?" And then I hear him blowing. After that, Bill crawls back into bed....

WHAT BILL HEARD AND SAW: (in his words)
I woke up to a scratching sound in the wall and Liz gasping.

I knew it was a large creature and thought raccoon or possum.

it sounded right outside our window.

we have our window open at night and so I go to the open window. I could see fur on the side right next to the window. Whatever it was was trying to climb the house via the wood siding.

So I say "hey, what are you doing?" a raccoon face pokes around to the window. I blow in its face like 3 times, then he dropped to the ground (big thud)....

We both went right back to sleep after that. We were too tired to think about it. But now, I can't can't stop laughing. What a weird wake up call!!


Anonymous said...

How funny! That would have scared me too! How old is your youngest? My Joshua is 18mo right now. My sister is about 17 weeks right now too. So many pregnant women that I know of right now! Funny how that works! We were so suprised by this pregnancy we were not trying at all. I hate the beginning of pregnanacy more than the end:O HOPE YOUR FAMILY IS DOING WELL!

Our Family said...

Oh my...that is too funny!!! I can't stop laughing at Bill's reaction..."Hey, what are you doing here"'s kinda like he was still half asleep or something ;)

Kate said...

OK, I seem to have "bad dreams" quite often...I generally imagine stuff like that happening but heaven knows what I'd do if it REALLY were happening! Prob I'd wake the whole neighborhood up with my scream! :D

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Oh too funny! I'm sure that is one story that will be shared for years to come!

Bethany said...

Oh my word - I am laughing out loud!
