Thursday, September 27, 2007

Getting Dirty

This past weekend Anna went over to Bill's parents house for the afternoon. Ryan was a little sad at first at having to stay home. But, I made it worth his while to be home! We watched a movie, had a snack, and made brownies together.

I realized something as Ryan and I were having fun in the kitchen, I don't like my kids getting dirty. It really sounds silly writing it out on here. Usually I have them help me as carefully and mess free as possible. But it struck me that maybe I need to relax a little. I let Ryan have fun...and fun he did have! He was one happy little boy...and I was one happy mama! It gave me such joy to allow him to be a boy and make a mess. Good thing it was bath night though, he got stuff everywhere, under his neck and in his hair. :)

Lord, please help me to relax and allow my kids to be kids; to make a mess when it is appropriate. Help me to take joy in being the mommy. Thank you for the time alone with Ryan the other day and for opening my eyes to an area that I need to grow in. Thank you for blessing me with each one of my children, they are true gifts from you.

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