Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Exploring God's Creation

Anna examining, "magnifying" the flowers, as part of science today.

I love homeschooling today! Today made it feel so worth the hard work to me. We had somewhat of a difficult day...actually, some behaviors were very difficult. I pretty much battled with one of my children's attitude all day. But, for a few sweet hours everything was beautiful.

I took the kids down to the lake after we had finished our school work. We had a picnic and fed the ducks. Then we sat under the shade and read our Science. We are using Exploring Creation with Botany by Jeannie Fulbright. So far I am loving the book. I have to put a quote on here that I thought was so good.

The plants of the world truly magnify the Lord. Are you wondering what it means to 'magnify' the Lord? Well, have you ever looked through a magnifying glass? a magnifying glass makes things look bigger so we can see them better. That's what God's beautiful world does. It is like a magnifying glass that magnifies God so we can see Him better. When we study the flowers--their beauty and how perfectly they were created--we know that God is beautiful, perfect and creative. God is very creative. He must have an incredible imagination. Do you have an imagination? Of course you do, because you were made in the image of God! You have also been given many of the other wonderful traits that He has. Since your creativity shows us that you were made in the image of God, it magnifies God when you do creative things.

I had to read that last sentence twice to Anna. She is so creative and loves anything artistic. God is magnified through our creativity....what a beautiful reality.

Even though I had some tough things to deal with was a beautiful day. God really blessed us in being able to enjoy His creation. The kids and I had a blast. We went home hot and tired, but full of wonder at the awesome God we serve.


Our Family said...

Sounds like fun, I'm so glad you have been given such a gift to homeschool your are such a great Mom and a great teacher, your heart is overflowing with LOVE!!!

Even through the tough times, you are always focused on the's so encouraging, because we all have our stuggles, but the Lord will always pull us back in ;) God is SOOO GOOD!!!!

Andy, Shauna, Mianna, Hadley, Grady, and Eli said...

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun with school! :) I am leary whether i want to home school or not, but after hearing about that book and hearing about your school days, it makes me side more with home schooling. Oh, i dont know, we'll see; I still have a little while :)

Bethany said...

I love this quote. I've never heard anything put quite like that about God as the Masterful Creator. I like how the magnifying glass explains what it means to magnify God. I like that since we are made in God's image, our creativity is only a reflection of Him - a magnification of Him - making Him look even Bigger! How amazing! He so far exceeds my comprehension! It's amazing to know that God created us - to think and create, because He found joy in doing so. Because He loves us, He created us to enjoy the same things that He does... being artisitc and imaginative. How COOL!

Thanks for sharing this! I think science and God's creation is something that really draws me close to Him.
