Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rantings of a pregnant woman

*This is all in good fun. I really am not upset about the things people say mostly just amused. Sometimes I walk away a little surprised that especially woman forget what it is like to be pregnant and what you should and shouldn't say. I have been pregnant enough times that Hopefully someday I can remember what NOT to say. :)

I am starting to get to the point in this pregnancy where I feel self conscience going out in public. Actually I was there about a week ago. I know I am huge, but why does everyone and their brother/mother/sister/father feel the need to point that out? I'm just wondering. I had an older guy in line behind me at wal-mart the other week say something about me looking like I had dropped (how in the world would he even know that since I had never seen him in my life?). I pretended I didn't hear him, but then he preceded to tell the cashier that he better hurry up and get me through the line because he wouldn't want me to go into labor. I just smiled. What are you supposed to say, "Well, just so you know I have 2 months left, so FAT change of me going into labor right now." :) Maybe I should start faking labor, see what kind of results I get from that...I'm only kidding! Bill always says I should turn around and tell the person that I'm not pregnant. But I could never actually do that.

I had a lady the other day say to me that she didn't get that big when she was pregnant. That's nice. I'm really happy for her. Although I think she maybe realized she shouldn't have said that because then she said that maybe it would have been better to be big because she looked just fat and not pregnant...but then she added, "Of course since I wasn't that big I didn't have all that stretched skin to deal with." Well, the recovery was almost there. Nice try though. :) Thanks for the reminder of all the stretched skin I will have to deal with soon. lol

Seriously though I am not upset by the amount of comments I get from people everywhere (mostly that I DO know) pointing out how big I am. I just don't like all the attention it draws to myself. I remember going through this with all my pregnancies, so I shouldn't really be surprised this time around. I know it's a conversation piece. It's like the obvious thing that is just there that people feel compelled to talk about.

Oh, one more thing... yes just in case you were wondering...I didn't take the kid's ball. And there really is only one baby in don't even ask! :)

I will be taking pictures next week and posting them so you all can see just what I am talking about. :)


Bethany said...

LOL! Oh Elizabeth, how I remember! I'm glad you can have a sense of humor about it - that's really all you can do. :)

The Bailie Clan said...

lol! I read these kind of stories on all the time! Too funny...although I've had a few comments of, "ooo must be soon" and "you aint gonna last" (after hearing my due date)

oh well! tis the preggo life, I suppose!

can't wait to see pix, girl! and YOU in just a few weeks!!! :)

Nikolai Family said...

Have you had any strangers try to touch your tummy? lol...I think I started getting annoyed at the end of my pregnancy when everyone kept asking the same questions: When are you due? Is it a girl or boy? When are you going on maternity leave again? Oh well... it's funny to look back on all that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Too funny Elizabeth! I know what you are saying! When I was pregnant, I always heard, OH my, youve gotten bigger since the last time I've seen you! 1 or 2 times a month I would hear that from Andy's mom. It was fine, but after awhile, I didnt want to hear that anymore! ;) Hang in there, only a couple months to go!

Melissa G said...

And what about everyone touching your belly with out permission!? That one sort of bugged me.
I'm glad you're able to take these comments with a good sense of humor!

Tara said...

omg that is hilarious!! I think you are totally cute pregnant!! I just loved it and I always thought about how cool it was to carry this little person inside me it is truly a miracle :)

Stephanie said...

Oh, those kind of comments drive me crazy! Truth be told, I tend to "hibernate" during pregnancy - and I think all of the "attention" to my expanding belly/body is one of the reasons.

Hang in there!
