Monday, October 15, 2007

Being Disciplined

...Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning. Psalm 59:16

Lately, I haven't been so good about getting up early and staying up. I do get up with Bill in the morning, but then the past few weeks, I have been going back to bed for a little while. Yesterday I was so tired that I couldn't even have my quiet time in the morning after he left, I just had to lay down. And then sadly, I totally overslept. This throw off my whole morning. We started school an hour late, which is fine, but we do have a schedule and it's nice to follow that.

My tiredness lately could be due in part to pregnancy, could be due to the fact that I still get up at least once a night with one of our children. But, the main reason I am so tired is because I have not been getting to bed at a decent time. After Bill and I put the kids to bed, we love to just sit around and do the things we both enjoy, reading, watching something together (although we only do that once or twice a week), go on the computer, work on projects, etc. Lately though, I have been caught up a little too much in what I enjoy doing, and end up in bed WAY too late. I have definitely been lacking in self discipline.
I have been reading through 1 Peter in my study time. Oh I LOVE it!!! What a rich book. It has been very convicting to my spirit. I love how His Word is so alive! The Lord is showing me some areas of my life that need some refining. As painful as that often is, I am excited about what He is teaching me. I am not going to go too deep into it right now, but I do want to share one area that He is working on...self discipline.

Like I said, I really enjoy staying up late. I have always considered myself to be a "night owl". I really do function better at night. I love the quiet time. My mind feels more alert and awake. I really don't mind getting up early, but if I had to pick night would be my favorite.

A few months ago I came across this quote by Martha Peace,

I have heard of women who pride themselves on being *night* people. That means they have trouble getting up in the mornings because they come alive at night. They may stay up till all hours reading, watching TV, or pursuing some sort of interest. The next morning they are too tired to get up and care for their family...These women are not night people. They are lazy and selfish. Who would not rather stay up late and do whatever they please and sleep late the next day?
Once a young wife begins getting up earlier than her children and husband, she will cease to be a night person. She will be tired at night and go to bed at a reasonable hour so she will be there to serve her family the next morning.

I read that and felt totally offended. I didn't think it was lazy or selfish at ALL to stay up late. I thought that was the most absurd thing I have read. I tucked the quote in the back of my mind and dismissed it. I don't like being called lazy and selfish just because I don't go to bed as early as some.

For some reason though, I haven't been able to get that quote out of my mind.

Maybe just maybe there might be some truth to it. I don't know. I'm still mulling it over.

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