Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Homeschooling Adventures

This morning I was trying to find something to entertain James with while we did school. I pulled out the pots and pans and spoons. All 3 kids then decided to form a band. It was pretty fun! Mornings here are often loud, this morning especially! :) Some days here are hard, obviously some are not...but I really wouldn't trade it for anything. I love that I get to stay home and I'm so privileged to homeschool my kiddos! This is a favorite song around here. I thought it was fitting to post the lyrics! If you haven't heard Sandra Boynton's "Dog Train" Cd you need to. It is so much fun! :)

Pots and Pans
I've got ONE pot.
A metal spoon
What've you got?
You've got a rhythm tune.
You've got a pot. Spoon.
Rhythm tune.
You've got a pot
AND spoon
AND rhythm tune.
You've got a little, got a lot,
got a musical pot.
Now what? Now What?

I've got pots: Pots and pans.
I've got pots: Pots and pans.
Yeah, that's the way
that I like to play-
banging on pots and pans.
Yeah, banging on pots and pans.

Now another pot.
A wooden spoon.
What've you got?
You've got a rhythm tune.
You've got a 2-pot
2-spoon 2-2-tune.
You've got a little, got a lot,
you've got whatever you got
Why not? Oh, yeah, why not?

I've got pots: Pots and pans.
I've got pots: Pots and pans.
Yeah, that's the way
that I like to play-
banging on pots and pans.
Clanging those pots and pans.
--Sandra Boynton, from Dog Train


Bethany said...

Hahahahaha! I'll have to hear that CD sometime - sounds like a very fun time!

Shelly said...

You are one great mama! Letting your kids be kids like that...I love it.
