Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We have managed to make it this cold and flu season without really getting sick. Ryan had a bad ear infection a few weeks ago, but that has been the only sickness in our house so far...until now that is. Anna and James came down with a cold Sunday night...and now germs have been passed on to me. Ugh, I really want to rid the house of sickness before the baby is born. So we are trying to rest and drink lots of fluids. Resting is hard for me to do. I like to stay busy. I really do like to stay on top of my housework (not always accomplished, but I try).

Last night, seeing that I was worn out and sick, Bill offered to help with everything. He and the kids picked up the house, put supper away, did the dishes. Anna also folded all the towels that I had washed and she vacuumed the living room. Here I was worried about how things are going to go after baby girl comes...Bill sweetly reminded me that I have all of them to help out.

I am so thankful for the loving helpful husband I have; and for my little ones who at this point love to help around the house!

So, today I am concentrating on getting better, not worrying about what doesn't get done, and letting Bill help out where it is needed. :)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yes, rest! And really, you could always drop off the kids here for a few hrs. to get rest or just have some you time. This offer stands even after the baby arrives! (I just might be offended if you don't take me up on it, :) )
