Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why Mom?

Ryan is now getting to the age where he is starting to notice that things are different between boys and girls. Because of this I have tried to be discreet when he is in the room and I a nursing Claire.

The other day however, I must not have been discreet enough because he started chanting, "I saw your boo boos ", over and over. I grabbed a blanket that was sitting nearby and covered up with it. Ryan says to me,

"Mom why did you cover up?"

I replied, "Because you don't need to see mommy's boo boos."

He looks at me seriously and responds, "Why mom? They are so pretty."

Oh my word! I think I may have ruined my son! I am hoping this is one memory he DOESN'T retain. :)

Maybe I need to invest in a better nursing one of these. :)


Nicole said...

Oh my goodness!!! LOL! I'm sure you haven't ruined him.

Andy, Shauna, Mianna, Hadley, Grady, and Eli said...

HAHA. That is so funny yet sweet! I wouldnt worry about ruining him! :)

The Bailie Clan said...

OH MY WORD! hahahaha! that is sooo funny that he would say all that...

kids will be kids i suppose..

bless! what a cute kid! :)
