Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting them involved

The laundry is something I am constantly struggling to stay on top of. I do laundry almost every day, and yet I can't seem to ever get it under control. Last night I decided it was time to get everyone involved (minus Bill who was in the other room entertaining Claire). I gave each of the kids a task. Anna was assigned the "big" towels. Ryan got the "small" ones. James had to find all the socks and put them in a pile. I put an episode of the radio drama Adventures in Odyssey on (which we listen to online on the computer). The kids worked diligently at their tasks while they learned a lesson on loving others. Everyone was happy to help out. No one complained. Wow! Imagine that! For 20 minutes I had 3 happy helpers.

Sometimes I forget the importance of getting my kids involved. So often I take the route of, "it is much easier to do it myself". This is an area that I know I struggle in. I pray all the time for ways to teach the kids. I know I need to teach them responsibility, and doing it all for them doesn't teach that. I'm so thankful the Holy Spirit whispers to my soul and reminds me of MY responsibility to teach my little ones life skills and lessons. And it is okay if the towels are not folded perfectly. :) They weren't and I didn't go back an refold them. I left them as they were, evidence that I had had little helpers. I was just thankful for the time we had together and the joy that filled our house as we worked together.

Thank you Father for reminding me of my role and to use every moment to instruct my children. Thank you for showing me the importance of making them responsible at a young age. Give me wisdom Lord and help me to make good decisions in regards to what you want me to teach them. I pray that I can demonstrate serving with a cheerful heart. Thank you for moments such as these.


Charlyn said...

Good job mommy. I so would've refolded them. I was terrible that way when the kids were little. I still to this day will rearrange the dishwasher when someone else loads it - OCD!

You are doing a wonderful job raising your kids!

Andy, Shauna, Mianna, Hadley, Grady, and Eli said...

Great Job! Im with you on the laundry! It never ends. At least yo ugot some help. My helpers only unfold it :)
