Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy 30th

30 things I love about you

1. Your smile

2. Your laugh

3. Your sense of humor...I love that things are so funny to you.

4. That you make me laugh

5. Your eyes

6. That you make me feel loved

7. I love that you pitch in and help around the house, even when you are tired from a long day at work

8. Your thoughtfulness and selflessness

9. That you kill all the spiders and centipedes :)

10.Your sweet heart, always offering to get what ever I need without me asking (even if it is a glass of water or tums in the middle of the night when I a pregnant)

11. that you do things "just because"

12. You make me feel secure

13. You smell good

14. That you wrestle with our boys

15. and snuggle with your girls

16. Your heart for the lost

17. Your desire to instill in our children a heart for the lost

18. Your passion for God

19. That you ARE the spiritual leader in our home

20. That you love me for who I am

21. That you always thank me after every meal and tell me how good my cooking is

22. That you work hard to provide for your family

23. But, while working hard you have your priorities right

24. You put your family first

25. You set a good example for our boys

26. And you set the bar for our daughters to find a husband someday

27. I love the way your mind works, and how you get things to work

28. That you are intentional about the way you live

29. That you share things with me about God's Word that excite you

30. That after 8 years of being married you still make my heart flutter

Happy Birthday Bill! I am so blessed to have you in my life. I praise God for you and the 30 years of life He has given you.

I love you!


Solarbusinessman said...

Happy belated B-Day brother

Anonymous said...

happy b day little bro! now I dont feel as old, haha!

