Sunday, October 26, 2008

More soon

This past week turned out to be pretty busy. I didn't get a chance to sit down and write out the rest of our story (And You Only). I had car issues, a sick child and husband, and a few other things that have tied up most of my free time...things that needed to be top priority. Plus Bill and I have been going to bed earlier since he leaves for work earlier then he used to. Going to bed earlier really cuts out a lot of free time, but I don't mind. I love having Bill come home earlier in the evenings so we have more family time. :)

I have been enjoying these past 30 days of praying and finding ways to be an encouragement to Bill. I have learned a few things about myself in this process. I have decided to make the And You Only posts a regular thing. If you notice on my sidebar I added a button for it (Actually, you may have noticed that I have changed a lot of things on my blog in the last couple of days...I added a few new things and changed the layout...for those of you reading this through an rss feed reader.). I want to continue to share and encourage others to love their husbands the way that God desires. I have always thought that Bill and I had a really good marriage (of course we have had our hard times, I have shared some of that). But, it wasn't until about a year ago that God showed me some things abut myself, and how things could be improved to make our relationship even stronger. I can honestly stand here and say that I am more in love with my husband today then I was the day I married him. God is amazing!!

I can't wait to share this journey with you and hopefully soon...


Phyllis said...

I love the new look! It's a little too wide on my screen. Would that be hard for you to change?

Loving Life said...

I love this new look! I also enjoyed popping over to visit those on your list that you know. Thanks for sharing them with us!
Praying for each of you dear friend!!
