Sunday, June 14, 2009

All your problems

I spent a good portion of yesterday afternoon outside with the kids. At one point Ryan ran off to the backyard to pout. I had no idea what he was so upset about, so after a minute I followed to where he was sitting. Anna came up behind me and sat down next to Ryan as I asked him what was wrong. He sat there quietly, head down lip out not willing to speak. Anna in her very grown up way, placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "It's ok Ryan. You can tell mom. She can help you with all your problems."

I almost had to remind myself to breath. What did she say? Does she really think that? How encouraging to know that she feels (at least right then) that she can come to me with her thoughts and problems, and she was encouraging her brother to do the same. This is something that I pray for...that our children would see us as always available and willing to help.

While all was resolved in matter of minutes and the kids ran back to play, my heart lingered at the moment of that memory. I pray that I never forget the importance of my job...the importance of listening to and tending to little hearts...


April W. said...

It's amazing how fast they seem to grow up. Alex says things all the time that I have tried to explain to her in the past but thought she did not get it only to find out later that she truly did.

The Jessie James Gang said...

Oh boy, that takes my breath away too!
I am so overwhelmed by my inadequacy on a daily basis! Lord help!

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

Isn't it amazing HOW important we are to them?!?

(Btw, I sent you an email...)
