Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bits of busy

So I was just scanning my blog and realized that For the most part all I see is pictures. I haven't really written anything in awhile. Life has just been so busy, and I suspect that it will continue to be that way for awhile. So, pictures it is. I will write more when I have the time (I feel like I keep saying that). :)

Here's what's been going on here,

~The past week and a half have been FULL of cleaning and packing. We are starting to give away our furniture and belongings. What we don't need now we have already given away. It doesn't even feel sad to be parting with our things. It's just freeing. As we going through everything we have I have realized just how much stuff we own. It is a good feeling to be rid of what we don't need (although I still feel sad about some things...not quite as much as I did here but I have my moments.). I am starting to like the idea of living a more simple life. :)

~The other reason I have been so busy is because we are getting ready for my family to arrive...TOMORROW!! I can't believe it is time already. Seems like we planned this get together so long ago. I haven't seen my sister and my brother and their families in almost 3 years!! I have missed them so much. They will all be here for 5 whole days! I have not seen my 3 year old nephew since he was a baby....and I have yet to meet my sweet niece who is 11 months. You can be sure there will be lots of pictures taken at this reunion. Along with my siblings my dad is coming. There will be 13 people total (including our family of 6). Oh, I cannot wait!

~It has been so hot here...but...I heard rumors that it was going to cool down a bit to maybe the 70's. That would be just perfect! We are hoping to make it to the beach and a few parks while my family is here.

~Anna has been having trouble with her asthma again. I suspect it is this super hot weather. I ended up having to take her to the Dr as it got progressively worse. We have her on breathing treatments every few hours to keep it under control. We don't want to end up back in the hospital like we did a few years back.

~While I had Anna to the Dr's I had her check Anna's ears. She has been having trouble hearing for what seems like a VERY long time. I had had her checked back in Feb. but was told it was just fluid in the ear. Anna's hearing seems to have gotten worse since then, so I mentioned it to the Dr. Sure enough there is STILL fluid in there. The Dr. said this was very concerning. :( We have to take her to an ENT specialist to determine what is going on. So we are looking at cramming possibly one more surgery in before we move?! We will know more July 8th. If you think of it please be in prayer with us about this.

~James decided that he wanted to potty train last week. Just woke up one morning and said out of the blue, "I have to go potty." So we are in the midst of potty training. :) He is doing pretty good, but it is a long process. I am hopping by the time we move he will be pretty much done. I am really proud of him.

I think that's pretty much it here, other then really random things that I'm sure no one cares to know. :)

I hope you all are enjoying your summer so far.

I am off to spend a little time with my man and then it's off to bed. I should really do some more cleaning but I'm tired and I don't think my family will really care if everything is spotless.

Oh, and here's a picture...because what's a post without at least one? :)

This was taken the last time I was with my sister in Oct. 2006. My sister Allie is on the right holding her son Gage. James is the baby on my lap. They were all so little.

If my blog is quiet for awhile you know where I'll be....spending time with the ones I love.

Until later.


Stephanie said...

Liz- have a wonderful time with your family!!!!!!

Can't wait to see all the pictures you take because you always take such beautiful pictures!!!!!

praying for Anna....hope everything resolves with her ears!

Unknown said...

Have SO MUCH FUN with your family!!! I sure miss mine and I would be in complete heaven if I got to see them all. You'll have such a blessed week.

I'll keep Anna in my prayers! That can't feel good either :[

Pam said...

Do not even think about this blog until after you have spent 5 fantastic days with your family taking tons of pictures. Then, and only then, come back here and post what all y'all did during the visit.

Have a great time!

Holly said...

I hope you and your family are having a great time! :)

Melissa G said...

I'm sure you had a great time with your family. That's neat that you could all get together like that. It does seem to get harder the older and bigger our families get, doesn't it?

You mentioned that you've been getting rid of a lot of stuff and that it's getting easier to let go. It struck me that often we have to start getting rid of stuff even when it's hard and then it seems to get easier as we go along in faith. It's like God gives us the grace at just the moment we need it and not before.

Thinking of you as you finish up packing and moving. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your family reunion!
