Tuesday, June 2, 2009

She has tears

5:30 am came way to quick this morning. Neither Bill or I had slept well, maybe we were just anxious about the morning...I don't know. Everything was set to go so all we needed to do was make coffee, shower and eat breakfast. (Bill's parents had the older kids spend the night so we wouldn't have to worry about them. My dad flew in to be with us, which was such a blessing.) We woke a sleepy baby and headed out the door by 6:30 am.

I felt mostly calm as we walked through the doors of the out patient surgery center. Bill and I hated the idea of our baby having to be put under, but we knew this was for the best. Claire has had blocked tear ducts since her birth, and the Dr. finally said that it wasn't going to clear up on it's own so minor surgery was the best option.

From the beginning Claire showed everyone there just how feisty she was. She yelled and screamed at anyone who came near her (even the poor receptionist who had to put a wrist band on Claire.). The nurse who took us back to a small room said that once they gave her some meds she would calm down. The medicine helps them relax so that that separation isn't traumatic. She told us that the kids don't even cry when they leave their parents. I leaned over to Bill and said, "watch, I bet Claire will prove them wrong." Well sure enough, Claire put up as much a fight as she could (She would have fought more except for the drugs that were trying to take effect on her) when they came to take her from us. She screamed, "Noooo" and then pouted a bit as they walked away with her. That was the hardest part for us...seeing them walk away with our baby.

Before we knew it they were calling us back to the recovery room. We walked in to find Claire yelling at the nurse. :) Yep, that's our girl! The surgery went very well. The Dr. wants to see us in a month to follow up. They stuck a probe down both eyes and into her nose, and then a balloon to open up her tear duct. It appears to have worked. If it doesn't close back up they won't need to go back in later to put a stint in. Of course we are praying that this is her only surgery.

Claire did get sick on the way home and threw up all over everything. But, other then that her recovery has been great. You wouldn't even know she had anything done today. She has been running around playing all afternoon.

The most amazing part about today was when Claire was a little upset on the ride home and started crying. I looked over and saw something so beautiful...tears! She has not shed many tears before, as she was unable to. Even Claire was surprised by it. She reached her pudgy little hand up and touched her face in shock, and looked at me as if to say, "What is this wet stuff." We are praising the Lord for tears tonight.

I leave you with a few pictures from today.

Claire all ready for surgery in her tiny hospital gown.

Playing with her hospital bracelet. She really didn't like it and kept asking what it was.

She took turns snuggling with Daddy and Mommy.

Look at those beautiful tears! Thank you God!!! Not that I like to see my baby cry, but how amazing to get to see that her surgery worked!

Thank you so much to all of you who prayed for us today! We really felt and appreciated all of them!


Debbie said...

Glad to hear all went well. It is wonderful to have family to help out & support us.

Charlyn said...

Yay for tears! Praising God with you, praying that it stays open!

The Bailie Clan said...

we're thanking God with you today!

Tara said...

oh she is so precious, that made ME cry! I am so glad everything went well, how funny she was yelling at the nurse I can picture her shaking her head and screaming at her! haha!

Andy, Shauna, Mianna, Hadley, Grady, and Eli said...

I'm so glad everything went well and it worked! :)

Janelle and Ella said...

Yea, praise the Lord! I'm so glad it went well.
Your pictures of her tears so perfectly capture the emotion in your post. You have a gift.

Melissa G said...

I'm so glad everything went so smoothly and that she is feeling good. Those tears are precious. Beautiful pictures.
I would have had a hard time too watching them walk away with my baby! Praise God for his peace and strength.

shannonjason said...

That's got to be a wonderful feeling...bring on the tears!! He is amazing isn't He? Love to see His work in your life. I left you a little something over on my blog today - check it out!

Suzi K said...

Oh I am so glad it went well! She is just gorgeous!

Love your pictures you are getting SO good! i agree with Janelle you have a gift!

Are you still using the 50mm lens? I am saving for one!!

strohlie said...

oh, liz. she is just beautiful. tears ARE so beautiful. what an amazing day. thank you God.

Pam said...

So glad that everything went so well! I just love the picture of her crying...it's wonderful! Praying for no further surgery, too.

Stephanie said...

Such a beautiful face. Such a precious (and brave!) little girl. You are truly blessed.
