Monday, June 1, 2009

Full steam ahead

The last few weeks have been busy around here. It sure doesn't make time stop or slow in the way I want it to. Now only 9 weeks left until the big move. Not much time for reflecting or blogging these days...just running full steam ahead. I will catch up soon though. I need to document these days, as they include:

~My baby turning 8
~A tea party birthday party
~memorial weekend with friends
~rummage sale = getting rid of everything baby
~Claire's eye surgery (tomorrow, June 2nd at 8:45 am)
~Celebrating 9 years with a wonderful man on the 3rd

I know there was and is more that I am forgetting to mention. Hopefully I will be back here soon to write it all down (mostly for my sake not yours :)). I know this summer is going to continue to just get crazier but it's important to me to keep this little space going. I need it.

Hope you all enjoyed your Monday!



Bethany said...

We'll be praying for you guys and Claire tomorrow morning!

Tara said...

lots of prayers for you guys today, and wow does time fly! that pic of the kids is hilarious!

Charlyn said...

Classic pic. And I feel your pain - so much going on and no time to journal!

Melissa G said...

Congratulations on your 9th anniversary tomorrow!

Wow, only 9 weeks until you move. I am really beginning to hate moving but i know it will probably be a part of our lives for a long time.

I'll be following along with you as you go through all this change. I hope you still find time to post.

Our original plans had been to start the training this fall. But for some reason (we know God's timing is perfect) we weren't able to but hopefully we will be able to meet you in January!

Your photos are so beautiful. That's probably because your children are so beautiful! =)
I'm so glad Clair's surgery went so well. Our little Ethan had a clogged tear duct for the first 8 or so weeks of his life. I'm sooo thankful it finally cleared up.
Oh there he is now. Just waking up from his nap. Bye for now.
