Tuesday, October 19, 2010

4 months

4 months already!
Almost rolling over. She did it once but I suppose I don't put her down often for her to practice.

Katy is always smiling! This is kind of a goofy picture of her but I wanted to show off her dimples.  I need to work at getting a better picture of that precious smile.
Loves, LOVES to chew on her finger! She always has that hand and those fingers in her mouth. And she is always drooling. She needs to wear a bib all the time because if she doesn't she soaks her clothes and I have to change her several times a day.
What a sweet and pleasant person she is.
I need to do an actual 4 month photo shoot, these didn't turn out how I was imaging them to. Oh well, just another excuse to take more pictures of my baby. {smile}


Nikolai Family said...

She can't be 4 months already!! Time sure does fly.

Unknown said...

she is beautiful!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! I miss you!

Debbie said...

Cute pictures...the sweater is adorable on her.
