Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I'm feeling prifish

*title to be explained in a later post!

Seriously, what is up with my hair? I don't remember it taking that long to grow back in after having my other babies. James is over a year now and my hair is so ridicules. I don't wear it pulled back too often because...well...I guess I am a little vain! :) I don't want people to gasp in horror! I think I must look like Einstein...or some other crazy professor! :)

I don't know if I prefer the little hairs that stick up all over, or the hair falling out stage...I guess if I have to pick, the little hairs are probably better then the bald spots that I acquired after James.

I have a funny story to share about the bald spots(which were not totally bald, just thinning in some places.). When James was like 4 months old I ran into a mom who's daughter went to 4-k with Anna. We chatted for a little bit about our kids mostly. All of the sudden she was like,
"Are you losing your hair?"

"ummm, yeah. did you notice?" I replied.

"Yeah I can see some of the bald spots. You might want to consider cutting your hair short or wearing it a different way." Was her response.

Ouch! I was totally floored. I didn't know what to say. I was already a little self conscious about loosing my hair, but after that I wanted to hide under a baseball cap! :) Some people just don't have tact I guess.

So now that my hair is growing back in and looking very funky I find myself reliving that moment. Wondering what people think of me. Pretty shallow I know...sad actually that I am devoting a whole post to my insecurity and vanity all in one. Ah, but wait there is more to come on the topic!

Below see picture of me. I took the time to point out some of the crazy spots. :) This is a terrible in the raw, no make-up, dark circles, and fuzzy hair.

To be continued...


Unknown said...

I think that hair is a tough thing for women and I don't think for you it is a vain thing or even for myself. Our hair will help is have a good day or a bad day. I have had so much breakage that I have actually been praying for God to HEAL my hair! He cares about every single detail of our lives!

And thanks for your comment. You made my night!!!!

Elisa said...

I think that mom who said that to you was horribly rude.

Hair is a big deal. I have enough for 4 heads. I wish I could give you some.

I've got a 1 y.o., too. And an almost 3 y.o.

Just stumbling around in the blogosphere. ;)

Betsy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

My hair is still in the falling out stages...Mine will look like this in a few months I'm sure. OH, and that above "comment was deleted by ..." was me...I was accidentally still signed in as one of my bloggie clients...oops!

Charlyn said...

My sweet sis in Christ, you are beautiful!! You are His creation, don't be so hard on yourself.

After my third I lost a considerable amount of hair also, and I started getting real tired. Needless to say, I found out I had an underactive thyroid gland. I guess it's pretty common in women. You may want to ask your doctor the next time you go for a visit? It's a simple blood test.

Love you the way you are!! ((hugs))

Our Family said...

Poor Elizabeth, first of all I think you are your biggest critic! You are such a beautiful person, your hair really doesn't matter as much as you think, I see you for who you truly are ;)

Hang in there! Love ya :)

Bethany said...

You goof - I like those little cute hairs that are growing in - they keep you young!
Also, I also would recommend that you ask your doctor about a possible thyroid problem. Although loss of hair can be related to pregnancy/postpardum, it can be related to hypothyroidism, too. Might want to think about it. It's an easy fix if that's the problem.

Oh, and fyi - those short hairs are what give your hair lift so that all the long hairs are just pulling your hair flat. It adds good texture! :)
