Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Claire's birth day story

Wednesday Feb 20th. I started having contractions. They continued throughout the day. The kids and I spent the day baking and getting things ready to put in the freezer (I will try and post those recipes at some point). By about 11 p.m. my contractions were 5 to 7 minutes apart. Bill decided around 1 a.m. to call his parents and bring the kids to their house. We thought this was it and baby was on her way...however, we were wrong. The contractions completely stopped by 3 a.m. Talk about disappointing. I felt really dumb because we had called Bill's parents in the middle of the night. You would think that by the 4th baby, I would know when I was in labor! :)

Thankfully I had my 40 week appointment scheduled for that Thursday morning. Bill decided to stay home from work and go with me to the Dr's. Dr W. checked me when we got into his office and agreed that it was false labor...I wasn't dilated at all. So, he gave Bill and I a few minutes to talk over and decide if we wanted to wait it out another week to see if I would go into labor on my own, or schedule to be induced. Bill and I talked (and I prayed silently) and decided to go ahead with the induction. Dr. W. asked us if he could get us in that morning would we want to do the induction then. Bill and I both said yes. It seemed like perfect timing. The kids were being taken care of and Bill was off work, and we even had our bags packed and in the car with us. Dr. W. called over to labor and delivery and they said they had an open room.

They started my induction around 10 a.m. Dr. W told the nurse to let him know as things progressed because he knew my labor would go fast. I was still having contractions on my own, so the Pitocin just sped things up.

My friend Janel stopped by with a "being induced" care package. I had called her to let her know that I was in the hospital. So she ran out and bought a magazine, sucky candies, and a bouquet of pink tulips. :) Unfortunately I didn't get much of a chance to enjoy them, because things went so fast. They came in (around 12:30) to give me my epidural not more then 10 minutes after Janel left. The epidural was so much more painful then I remembered it. :( But Bill was there and was so wonderful through the whole thing.

Dr. W. came down and broke my water around 1 p.m. I knew at that point that things would go fast. I laid back (they made me stay on my back) and just tried to relax and rest. It was really hard for me to relax for some reason. I kept shaking. Bill stood by my side and held my hand and tried to help me feel calm. It really was such an amazing process. Bill put on some music we had brought with us; "Sing Over me" and "The Living Room Sessions". Both were so peaceful and so full of praise and worship. I had prayed that God would be glorified through this whole day and that I could keep my eyes on Him. I rested and prayed.

Before I knew it I was feeling a lot of pressure. It was kind of funny to see the look on Bill's face when I told him things felt "different". I told him I thought I was going to have to push. The nurse had just walked out, and Bill frantically started to look for her. She had just been right around the corner. :)

They called my Dr to come because I was ready. The nurse asked me to do a practice push, I was about to when she suddenly changed her mind, "Uh you better wait for the Dr. The head is right there." She exclaimed!

It took 3 pushes and our sweet Claire was out (at 3:37 p.m.)! Her cry was the most amazing beautiful cry. We waited so long to meet her, and now she was finally here. Bill squeezed my hand, and tears filled my eyes. I was just in total amazement. I have never had such a wonderful birth experience. It was so so easy and peaceful!

I felt so great after Claire was born. Bill and I joked and laughed the whole time we were in the hospital. I have never felt more in love with my husband. He was and has been so sweet and supportive. He reaffirmed me by telling me how great I did, and how proud he was of me. He agreed that it was totally amazing.

My whole pregnancy and birth experience were such a gift from God. I really can't put into words what I feel right now. I am SO blessed. God has been so good to us. I am just so thankful!

Dr. W. with Claire.

Holding Claire for the first time.

Not the best picture of me...but I'm not going to be vain here! :)

Sweet kisses from Daddy.


Borbe Bunch said...

She is just beautiful!!! Makes me want to hold our new little one...but we still have some "cooking" time :)
Children are such a blessing, so excited for you!!!
Much love,

Janelle and Ella said...

She is gorgeous!!! I'm so glad this special day was so amazing and wonderful!

Bethany said...

I'm so glad you wrote your story down. It got me all choked up reading it. Watching you go through this pregnancy and hearing about Claire's birth - there isn't a doubt in my mind that every part of it all was a gift from the Lord. You have been so faithful to Him, Elizabeth, so faithful to trust him. I'm sure He was pleased to walk through this miracle with you. :) Thank you for sharing the story!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Elizabeth! Is there a particular reason you chose the name "Claire"? :-) I am very happy that the birth went well and that you have a beautiful, healthy new daughter. God's best,
Angela (Hagensen)

Nicole said...

Thanks for sharing your story! I'm so glad that it went well and that your worries were for nothing! Those epis are pretty darn painful, aren't they!
So glad that she's here and you can enjoy another blessing from God.

The Bailie Clan said...

yippee! another update! :)

I had to laugh a little when you wrote that it was "so easy and peaceful!" :)

I bet your hands are full now, with four lil ones around the house! Keep up the good work! You're a great mommy!

Our Family said...

That was the most precious story Ive ever read...I was crying the entire time...although I'm quite emotional as it is...lol

thanks for sharing and I'm sooo glad it was such a peaceful and amazing experience...she is soo beautiful :)

Loving Life said...

I'm so glad you wrote details. Births are so amazing and beautiful! I'm so SO thankful for the 'extra' blessing from the Lord. His ways always turn out to be the BEST of ways! Praise Him!!!

The Graham Family said...

I am just so thrilled for you that all went so well this time. It really brings me great joy for you. She could have been a leap baby....;)
