Saturday, February 16, 2008

What's going on with baby

Ok, I know some of you have been wondering if there is a baby yet. I have been absent from the blogging world for a week or so. Well, there is no baby yet. :( She is still safe inside of me for the time being. My Dr. checked me on Thursday and I am still not dilated at all (no surprise to me). So, it looks like we are going to wait until next week and then decide to induce if this little girl doesn't make her appearance by Thursday.

I have not been blogging or commenting as much as I usually do simply because I have been SOOOOO tired. I am not really sleeping anymore, which makes it hard to take care of my family and homeschool. Most of my free time is spent in trying to rest. Our lives are about to change in a good way and we we are all getting ready for that. :)

Thank you for all the e-mails and comments wondering how I am doing. I feel so very loved. Bill and I are planning on taking the lap top to the hospital (which has wi-fi) when I do into labor, so that we can announce baby girls arrival and post pictures asap! :)

If you think of it, please pray that God would help me to be patient. It is getting hard to wait. I am also feeling nervous about having to give birth again! :) But, hopefully this time I will get the epidural in time and everything will be fine!


Bethany said...

We're definately praying! So excited to see the future post with baby's pictures!

Charlyn said...

I will be praying for you all week. Can't wait to read your post! Hopefully the weather isn't bad when you go in to labor!!
