Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's and fun day with mommy

We had a really nice valentines day on Thursday. Bill and I gave the kids each a little gift in the morning; a heart shaped box of chocolates (you know the .99 cent ones from Target) and they each got a play cell phone. Anna said it was the "Best day ever!" Bill gave me chocolate...yummo! :) What a perfect gift for a prego mama (not that I need to gain any more weight...HA!) But I loved it, and have been enjoying it! :)

For supper I ran to Little Ceasears and picked up pizza as a special treat. I fed the kiddos before Bill got home (he was running late because we got yet another snow storm, and the roads were bad). When Bill got home I sent the kids up stairs to their rooms for 20 minutes so Bill and I could enjoy a nice quiet meal together. It was really nice. It was the perfect day.

On Friday, I decided that the kids and I needed a fun day together. Like I've said before, I have been so tired lately and sadly I had been crabby too. I really wanted to spend a day doing fun things with the kids before the baby comes. So, I took them to Target and let them each pick out a (50% off) stuffed animal. Then we went to McDonald's play land. We ate lunch and then played. It was a lot of fun. Then we headed to the Library to pick up a movie. We got home and I put James to bed, and Anna, Ryan and I watched a movie together. It was such a fun day...something we all needed to do. I really enjoyed spending quality time with them. Buying them toys for no reason is something I never do, and eating at McDonald's is not a common occurrence the kids really thought they were in Heaven! :) Two "best day ever" in a! :)

I am so thankful for my sweet husband and my three little ones (soon to be 4). This week has definitely had it's low points, but was also full of treasured moments. Thank you God for precious memories and quality time with my family!

1 comment:

The Graham Family said...

I am so glad for you and proud of you that you did that with your kids. I know it was special to you, and I am sure it was special for them too. You are a great mom!
