Thursday, February 28, 2008

Behind the name

I wanted to explain a little about why we chose the name we did. I have shared how we have spent a lot of time praying about what to name our baby girl. Bill and I had tossed a few names around, but none of them seemed right. Claire was actually the name we had picked out for James had he been a girl (we didn't know ahead of time that he was a boy). I didn't think we would use the name this time around however. I loved the name, but it had been put on the back burner for awhile....and there were other names that I thought I loved more. But, one night as Bill and I were talking about names, we both just realized that we knew what her name should be. God had planned for us to have a Claire, and now it had been made clear to us.

Claire means, Bright or clear.
If you look up those words in Websters dictionary it means,

1: radiating or reflecting light : shining sparkling, sunny also : radiant with happiness 2: illustrious glorious 3: beautiful 4: of high saturation or lightness 5 a: lively cheerful b: intelligent clever 6: auspicious promising
Synonyms: bright brilliant radiant luminous lustrous mean shining or glowing with light. bright implies emitting or reflecting a high degree of light. brilliant implies intense often sparkling brightness. radiant stresses the emission or seeming emission of rays of light. luminous implies emission of steady, suffused, glowing light by reflection or in surrounding darkness. lustrous stresses an even, rich light from a surface that reflects brightly without sparkling or glittering.

The name Claire, makes me think of joy. I love the description , "radiant with happiness." That is what I felt throughout my whole pregnancy....full of joy....full of hope. One of the verses that the Lord laid on my heart during this pregnancy was, "For You, O LORD, have made me glad by what You have done,I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands." Psalm 92:4 We knew that this baby girl would bring us joy. So the name Claire just seems to fit.

Her Middle name, Eliana (eh-lee-AH-nah) means, "My God has answered" Since she was given to us as a surprise gift during a hard time in our lives, it seemed only fitting that her name should have such meaning. God answered during the storm, and provided a job for Bill and blessed us with a beautiful baby girl.

Claire Eliana is a perfect gift of God's goodness to us! We are excited to welcome her into our family!!!


The Bailie Clan said...

that's really cool that you named her after such things... it really means something to you both then, and hopefully to her in the future!

i just love the sound of her middle name...beautiful! :)

The Graham Family said...

I love her name! The pictures are so cute too. I likw her outfit :)

Charlyn said...

O.k. so when do I get to hold her?? ;)

Bethany said...

What a beautiful thing to read. Thank you for sharing. I think her name is absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

She is such a beautiful baby! The picture of Anna holding her especially makes me smile, because it reminds me so much of me holding my own baby sister Claire many long years ago...May your Claire bring as much joy to her big sister as mine has to me!
