Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Choosing joy

You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Psalm 16:11

I sat in the driveway, not ready to get out of the car. My eyes closed, spilling brimming tears down my face. So many emotions pulsing through my mind. A battle raged within, leaving me no choice but to fall at the Father's feet. My eyes had been opened to see, and now a choice must be made...a choice that my flesh wanted to give into...or the choice that would bring peace. I prayed silently for the strength to obey, and for once to be able to bite my tongue.

I don't know how many times a scene like this has played out before me. Whether it was feeling angry with my husband or with my children...or feeling hurt or frustrated or unappreciated. This particular instance I was upset with Bill, and it was nothing big. I was just frustrated with him for what I felt was his failure to meet my expectations. That morning I had been studying scripture and it had just hit me about the choice I have when in a situation. I can choose to give in to my (usually selfish) emotions, or I can choose to surrender to the Holy Spirit. I decided at that moment that I needed to lay my anger and disappointment and the Lord's feet, and just let things go. I needed to choose to have joy. The next thing that happened was amazing...I felt such peace. And, when I talked to Bill we discovered that we had just miss-understood each other, and we both apologized.

I am learning more and more in my time in the Word that having joy is a choice. In order to have joy I have to make a choice, one of surrendering my emotions, what I think is right...taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ (2 Cor 10:5). I can choose to have the joy of the Lord fill me. To set my mind on things above. To choose to set aside selfish desires and serve my family with joy. It is also so easy for me to get caught up in serving that I forget to choose joy. I can fail to see what a pleasure it is to raise my little ones....what a delight it is to love my husband. God is so good to give me grace, and to faithfully remind me. Amidst the chaos I can, and HAVE to choose joy. And oh, the peace that follows!"

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Phil 4:8 My mind needs to dwell on truth! It is hard to choose joy if my mind is in the wrong place.

These are the thoughts that have been running through my mind:

Set your minds on things above. (Col 3:2)

Pick up your cross (Matthew 16:24)

Lay down your life for a friend. (John 15:13)





Peace (Isaiah 26:3)

Quite a list, I think! It can feel overwhelming at times....and impossible. I guess that's because, apart from Christ I can do nothing. (John 15:5) I cannot even say that "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:3) To have joy is a choice...but I must take that one step further. In order for me to have joy, I must first of all choose death.

"The chance to die, to be crucified with Christ, was not a morbid thing, but the very gateway to life."--Elisabeth Elliot Wow...wrap your mind around that statement if you will...It seems so contrary to our natural thinking. The gateway to life is death.

John 12:24 says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." There is no fruit, there is no life unless death occurs. "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." Gal 2:20 I need to realize my position. I died with Christ....but I have also been raised up with Him. I am a new creation. He empowers me with the ability to choose to do the right thing.

There are so many thoughts in my mind...and I don't know if they will make sense to anyone other then me. :) My desire is to live a life full of joy...I feel as though my heart has been opened to see what a wonderful process that is. I know it is not always an easy decision to make, but the peace that ensues is so rewarding.

So, tonight I am choosing the path of joy!


Pennies In My Pocket said...

Wow, how uplifting! I am chosing a path of joy myself. I've recently been 'down' about my baby who was born 9 weeks premature and was in the NICU for 7 weeks. I'm sure the hormones following a pregnancy didn't help out much, but I've finally gotten over it. I recently told a friend that I could finally feel the joy again. I couldn't wait to bounce back to my old self. I'm praising the Lord that He has gotten me through this hard time, but man oh man how we need to reflect more on His word.

Thank you for your post. :)

Borbe Bunch said...

This is a beautiful post and a wonderful encouragement...choosing JOY is the key, knowing and thinking on God's Word will bring victory...Praise God He is teaching you so much!
Because of HIS grace,
