Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Input wanted please

Ok so I have a question for all you mommies out there. Claire has been drooling like crazy lately. She is starting to soak up her outfits. She is always sucking and chewing on her fingers. Also, she has started clamping down hard occasionally when I am nursing. My question is, could she be teething this soon? I have forgotten when my others started teething. But it doesn't seem like it was this early. She just seems so young at 3 months. I would love any thoughts on this. :) Did any of your babies start teething this soon?


The Bailie Clan said...

yes, she can teeth that early... I've heard 4 months for sure...

that kinda sucks though!

ash got her first tooth at 9 months....that was early enough! : /

good luck!

The Bailie Clan said...
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Charlyn said...

Courtney drooled all the time. I had to keep a rubber backed bib on her - yet she didn't get her first tooth until she was a year. She could be teething, or she could just be a drooler. :)

Joshua said...

My nephew got his first tooth at three months, and my niece at four months. Totally possible. Hope it goes quickly!

The Graham Family said...

Yeah. Mine got their first teeth around 7 months. But, I remember Ella drooling a lot at 4-months and the doc saying often the drooling and stuff starts a couple months before the first tooth comes. :)

Thoughts from the past
