Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer Fun

I have been praying about what I could do with my kiddos over the summer that would be fun, and memorable, and that would give me quality time. The kids and I brained-stormed together and here is a list of things we came up with. I actually think that most of this is pretty doable.

-Go to the beach (We are planning a trip once with grandma and hopefully another with friends)

-Go camping as a family, hopefully the weather cooperates for this.

-Participate in the reading program at the Library (Already signed up for. Anna is reading like crazy so that she can get her prizes.)

-feed the ducks down by the lake

-Go to the YMCA (This one is iffy. We won a family pass for a week, but thinking of taking all 4 kids swimming there by myself kind of freaks me out.)

-VBS- This one stresses me a little too. Our church's VBS is not like most of them. It is a family event. You have to be there with your kids, not just drop them off. I am all for the family doing things together, I honestly LOVE the idea, but I would have to do it alone because Bill does not get home early enough in the evening to make it there on time. I don't know what to do about it. I can't NOT take my kids. They love VBS...but I feel really overwhelmed with having to help them with projects, listen to Bible stories...all the while trying to watch a very active 2 year old, and probably nurse my baby. I am not trying to complain I just feel really conflicted about it. And I feel guilty that I am conflicted over this. Maybe if I had everything together I would be able to handle this and not feel stressed about it? That's what I keep thinking anyway.

-Play at various parks in town. Also make play dates with friends.

Last Sunday another homeschooling mom (there are only 3 or 4 other families in our church that homeschool, and all but one have kids that are way older then mine.) approached me about doing a unit study together over the summer. She has a daughter that is the same age as Anna. I cannot tell you what an answer to pray this is going to be. Anna really needs this interaction. We are going to be doing a History unit study using the books from The American Girl collection. I believe this link will show you the study we are doing (the unit study is not endorsed or published by American Girl). Anna is really into the American Girls, so I think this is perfect for this summer. After the study we are going to go see the movie Kit, which Anna is more then excited about. I know in my heart that this opportunity is from God, and I am praying that it will be memorable and a great fun learning experience.

I Would love to hear what your plans are over the summer, and I'm open to any other ideas of things to do with my kiddos.

This season is going to just fly by so I want to seize the day, savor the moments with my little ones, and make memories that will last a lifetime! That is the goal anyway.

Happy Summer everyone! And hopefully warm sunny weather will arrive here soon. :)


The Graham Family said...

Want to camp together? We can go up to Evelyn's site. There is room for you to pitch a tent too. :)

Our Family said...

Sounds like a fun summer...we made up our calendar's today too :)

Just hope it's a lot less stormy and rainy :(

Charlyn said...

Maybe THIS summer we can get together for that beach date? The kids and I are off on Wednesdays, so let us know what works!

Thoughts from the past
