Thursday, July 10, 2008

Busy days

This has turned out to be quite the busy week for us. I have a lot of thoughts roaming around my mind but no time to write them down. I actually have so much going on in my head that I haven't been able to sleep the last 2 nights. I just need some time to think through things and process, and since I haven't had the time to do that the way I need to, it keeps me awake.

Just a few things from this week so far:

~I did end up going for a run on Tuesday night. My toe still hurts and is probably fractured but I was able to run despite. I'm glad I did. I a hoping to be able to go again tomorrow or Sat evening.

~Doing a rummage sale this week at a friends house (started today). My friend did so much work getting this all together, and then today we got hit with a sudden rain storm. Tomorrow morning I need to run over there and see what things were ruined from the storm. I am thinking I should have just hauled it all to Good Will to begin with. Rummage sales have never worked out so well for me. In my experience they aren't usually worth the work.

~Worked on our unit study with Anna this week...have been having a blast with that. Tonight we got together with the other mom and daughter from church (that we are doing the unit study with) and had a tea party. That was a lot of fun!

~I scrubbed my kitchen floor this afternoon...I know interesting! But it looks so nice now! :)

~We got a new kitchen table this week that can fit our whole family!!! Yea! Thanks Amy! (Click on the picture if you want to see a closer look. We pull the table away from the wall for supper and use both benches.)

~I took the kids to a movie this morning (Horton Hears a Who). Our local theater has kids movies every Wednesday and Thursday mornings really cheap (and a free bag of popcorn). The kids did so good. James sat the whole way through it. I was so proud of him, he was such a big boy. And of course I had to take a few pictures before the movie started...This was James' first movie...and come to think of it, it was Claire's first too! :)

I am having a lot of fun with the kids this summer; truly enjoying these days.

Maybe soon I can write more then just our daily happenings. Until then here are a few pictures from today.
At the movies!


Our Family said...

I'm soooo glad the table worked...really happy you guys could use it :)

We had fun at the movies too and wouldn't you know I didn't get any pics...guess that's what happens when you run late all the I still can't believe James sat through the entire movie!!

Charlyn said...

I am reminded of what mothering a "baby" is like. Visit my blog to see why! :)
