Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Oh the insanity!

On Monday I decided to take James in to the Doctor to have his foot looked at. He has bad dry skin, and the patches on his foot had gotten WAY out of control (turns out he had an infection on the back of his foot because he keeps picking at it). Anyway...

I'm pretty sure that my least favorite thing to do right now is taking all 4 of my kids to the Doctor. :) Why is it that they always call you back to the smallest room possible, and make you wait for another 20-30 minutes? I start feeling claustrophobic, while all of my children decide to act like wild (should be caged) animals. James tries jumping off everything and tries puling things off the walls. We have a bus of a stroller that takes up 50% of the room, and the other 50% is taken up by the suitcase of a diaper bag, and the shoes that all of my sweet children decided to randomly place all over. Oh, and then there is the orange cracker crumbs everywhere, because while I was taking care of one child, James got the crackers out of the diaper bag and started gnawing through the package and then proceeded to spill it.

During the "waiting in the small room" period, we first see the nurse who asks me a billion questions. I am trying to remember the answers to her questions but it's hard to concentrate when my children start unrolling all the paper on the exam table, and I have to keep asking them to stop. I also had to practically wrestle one of my kids (apparently the scale seemed like a good place to practice new diving board skills) off the scale because the nurse wanted to weigh James (who wasn't too willing to get on the scale). At that point I was sure someone was going to call Super Nanny on me, and that was only the beginning!

Then, In walks a very sweet (Innocent looking) med student. Are you kidding me? I am totally ok with that normally, but this means that our appointment will take longer, and my children are already bouncing off the walls. She asks me a bunch of questions about James, then has him get up on the table. When she tries to look in his mouth, he just sits there growling at her (see I told you...wild animal :) ) Finally our Dr. enters the room. She begins to examine James. Just when I thought this visit couldn't get any worse it does....

Now normally James just speaks some form of Chinese, but today he decided to pronounce a very ugly English word...rhymes with truck...but only starts with an F...I'm sure you can get the picture....just out of nowhere. Both the Dr. and I said, "What?" at the same time. I was like, "Umm, I'm sure that wasn't what it sounded like. He has never heard that word. We don't use language like that." The Dr said, "Oh he was probably trying to say frog or something." Then I proceeded to babble because I was so embarrassed, making things worse for myself. This was not my most embarrassing moment by far, but it was definitely uncomfortable.

I wanted to ran out of there when the visit was over, but instead I calmly gathered my children (who had run off to get stickers), and walked to the nearest exit without looking back! I couldn't wait to get home and hopefully take a nap. What a crazy morning! But hey, I wouldn't have any funny stories to share if it had never happened. Good thing I love to laugh! :)


Our Family said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA.....I am sooooooo laughing with you now, but believe me I know it was definitely not a laughable moment at the time. Seriously...I think every MOM would agree with you on that situation...I can sooo relate and I only have 2?? My prayers are with ya and PLEASE call me next time...especially on a Mon..I would have gladly taken a few off your hands ;)

Loving Life said...

Liz- seriously. THAT IS SUPER FUNNY! Oh man....LOL.
Wish I lived closer to help you but you know...I think it doesn't matter HOW many kids are in the small waiting rooms..its always 1 too many and they ALWAYS test every boundry we ever could have set on them...seriously though...that was a REALLY good laugh! Thanks for sharing. You are such a GOOD MOM!!!

Debbie said...

I agree, it was great writing & definitely very fun to read. In order to make it through life we need to have a sense of humor. I am sure you worry exhausted by the time you got our of there but thanks for sharing. What a great memory.

Bethany said...

Oh my! That's quite a story! I'm tired after just reading it! You do such a great job with four kids, Elizabeth. I'm impressed! Glad you made it through the appt.

The Jessie James Gang said...

Oh my, laughing. This reminded me of the time when I was 19 years old and I had to take my 5 year old brother to the doctor for my mom because she was too sick to go. He acted weirder than any 5 year old boy has a right to act the entire time. When the doc asked him to take a deep breath for the stethoscope he sucked his skinny little stomach in so all his ribs were visible and hung his arms out ape-like, and made "holding his breath" noises the whole time. Not what she had in mind at all. We were both laughing too hard to do anything about it.

Phyllis said...


I've enjoyed your blog and catching up with you a little bit.

Mikaela said...

Thanks for being real and sharing your hilarious story. I couldn't stop laughing when I read it! I know it didn't feel too funny while you were going through it, but like you said, praise God for the gift of laughter!

Andy, Shauna, Mianna, Hadley, Grady, and Eli said...

Oh man, what an experience. I hate taking the kids places like that too. They always seem to misbehave most at the times you need them to behave most! Oh course!
