Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Attitude check

I love how God uses simple things to remind me of where I need to be. Today it came in the form of a runny nose and a sore throat...

This week our family has been battling a nasty cold. First I came down with it, then Claire, then this morning Anna woke up with a sore throat. I have to admit that I was tempted to give into thoughts of, "Ugh, I am going to have to adjust my plans for the day." (Right I know, real loving). We were obviously not able to have a normal school day. Instead of feeling stressed about it, I decided that we would spend the morning doing some quiet activities. We snuggled and read lots of books together. After lunch I played games with the kids, more snuggling, and then I sent the kids upstairs to have some quiet play time while I did a few chores around the house. After chores were done and supper started we headed outside to enjoy the air that had turned crisp and fall like.

You would think with being sick the day would have been rough (because that's often how it is), but it wasn't. We actually had a very enjoyable day. I tried to put my finger on why it went so well. What made today so different? I realized that it was my attitude. I have a very type A personality. I like order and structure and schedules. I like lists and the feeling of accomplishing my tasks. In the past (and sometimes still) when things change I have a hard time going with the flow. Today I let go of my to-do lists and allowed God to lead me and show me what would be best. Today was a gift (never mind that it was covered in snot :)).

Angela Thomas in her book, "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul" says, "Being a mommy is both a gift and a burden. The responsibilities are never-ending and sometimes feel all-consuming. Yet the day will be won or lost, not based on my accomplishment, but based on my attitude. The grace of God can set my attitude free to be to be the mommy. By His grace, my frustrations can be replaced with peace. By His grace I can speak calmly and listen patiently. By His grace, I can forsake my to-do list and play with my children. By His grace, I can celebrate the season called Mommy."

The day is not won by what I accomplish...did you catch that...but by my attitude!! I love that! That is so true!! The day will NOT go well if I am grumpy. It will not go well if I see my children as a checklist. They are gifts given to me to shape and mold, and I have a responsibility to model Christ like behavior to them. But, I cannot do it without Him. God's grace to me is so amazing. By His grace I can take a deep breath and say, it's okay to be sick and just snuggle this morning. By His grace I can surrender my heart to Him and ask Him to replace it with His.

It's days like this that give me the strength to go on, and the ability to celebrate the joy of being a mother.


Wendy said...

that quote is so true! the attitude really makes a difference. thanks for the reminder as we start our day. i needed to hear this.

Bethany said...

I love this post - so thoughtful and thought-provoking.

Tessa's Mommy said...

Thank you for those sweet words, Liz. I have already learned so much from you and hope to take what you've taught me into motherhood when I enter into it. Thank you Liz!

Phyllis said...

Thank you! I really needed these words today.

Debbie said...

Thanks for sharing. It was very well stated [as always :) ]. I, too, need to remember this. We haven't even been doing school for a month & I can see that it will either be very stressful with all the changes or I need to relax & let go a little.

Charlyn said...

Ugh. I hate having a type A personality! I think I drive myself and everyone else crazy! :) Going with the flow sounds much more relaxing!
