Monday, September 1, 2008

Leaving a legacy

Tonight Bill and I attended a funeral for a dear man at our church. He passed away suddenly a few days ago. We were both shocked and saddened at his passing. Bill had attended a men's Bible study with Larry for several years and had gotten to know him a little. Actually, there is a bit of a story behind all of that let me tell...

I had been praying for Bill's spiritual life (not that there was anything wrong, this is just something I always pray about) and praying specifically that God would bring another man into his life to encourage him in the Lord. I can't remember exactly how it happened, but I do remember Larry seeking Bill out at church, striking up conversations. Bill started attending the Bible study once a week that Larry was in. If Bill ever missed a week, Larry would call to find out how he was doing, ask what he could be praying for etc. This was such an encouragement to my heart to see that I had prayed for this very thing and God had answered. While they did not get the chance to develop a deep friendship it was a blessing to know that he cared about my husband and wanted to encourage him. When Larry had health issues over the past year or so Bill and I spent time praying as a family for him.

Just two weeks ago, Bill talked to Larry at church. Larry must have sensed that his time was near as he brought up the subject of death. He knew where he was going after he died but did not want to leave yet. Bill struggled to find words to say. Thursday morning we got a call that Larry had gone on to be with the Lord Wednesday night.

As we sat in on the funeral, which was such a celebration of his life, I really wished that I had known him better. He left behind a wife and three grown sons and several grandchildren. His boys gave the most beautiful eulogy I have ever heard, each one giving testimony of their father's character. They spoke of His love for the Lord and his desire to spread the gospel to others. His compassion and the encouraging man of God he was was evident with everything they said. They each thanked their father for living a life that showed them what it meant to live by faith and to love generously. After the sons spoke, many others got up and gave similar testimonies of how Larry had touched them and encouraged them to grow in the Lord. What a beautiful legacy... I was truly touched. I did not leave with dry eyes, but left with a changed heart.

I had an entirely different post ready to go tonight talking about my nervousness with starting school tomorrow morning. After we came home I deleted it. Not that I'm not still nervous, but sitting there listening to how Larry effected his children's lives the Lord spoke to me. He showed me that I am doing exactly what I have been called to do. There is nothing to be nervous about. In that moment the Lord filled my heart with such joy. The Lord can use my weakness, He will fill in, He will give strength, He will lead me. I am so excited to begin in the morning.

I only pray that someday when our children stand to give testimonies of our lives, we will have left behind such a legacy...

All for His glory!

1 comment:

The Graham Family said...

I wish we could have been there. It sounds like it was beautiful.
