Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today was a MUCH better day then yesterday, and for that I am very thankful! I know it is just going to take some time. Since Claire's birth there has been a serious lack of structure, so it only makes sense that yesterday would have been difficult.

I spent time today being encouraged by our pastor's wife who has homeschooled all 6 of their kids. What a blessing it was to talk to her and get some ideas and ways that I can make this transition easier. Now if only I could find a way to get up early to have quiet time. I do get up but the kids ALWAYS hear me and think it is time to come down. Anna and Ryan are okay with playing quietly in their rooms until it is time to come down but James doesn't understand. This is something I am working on. :)

Bill has been such an encouragement to me, telling me that I can do this and how much fun this year will be. I so appreciate his words...I need it!! When I am nervous and doubt myself he is right there to be the encouragement that I need. And, he tells the kids all the time that they they are really blessed to get to stay at home and be schooled by the best teacher (melt my heart by his sweetness). He helps out around the house and does whatever he can to help! :) I love that he wants to help and be involved when and where he can. His support of me is so amazing. I am blessed.

Well I am off to finish a load of laundry and clean up the kitchen so I can get to bed!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I am glad your day went better. I is always an adjustment when you are first getting into a routine with homeschooling. I am sure you will be a wonderful teacher. Your kids are very lucky to have you. Keep looking to the Lord. Remember, even if you can't get a good chuck of time with the Lord at once, you can take short bits at a time. Have a super day.
