Saturday, September 13, 2008

Down by the docks

I love living near the lake. One of our favorite things to do is go down by the docks in town and feed the ducks. Yesterday was a very gray day, but still decent enough to get outside. We try and take advantage of any day outside because I know that winter will be upon us before we know it, and the winters here are so long.

I so enjoyed watching my kids have fun and get excited about God's creation. Thankfully I had my camera along to capture it!


Jenny said...

sweet, sweet pictures! We can't feed the ducks in our parks. :(

The Bailie Clan said...

hee hee..i suppose you live somewhat near the lake.... i was having to rethink of where you lived after i read that comment! :)

i too, am in love with the lake. ashlee and i go nearly every day.... but then we only live two blocks from it!

i really can't imagine living anywhere other than by water....
ash and i just got back from feeding the ducks cat food... and hershey went swimming after was too funny, but now he smells. :P
