Sunday, September 21, 2008

We all survived

I am pretty tired tonight but I wanted to get on here and write a quick update...

Friday morning we went in to the surgery center for Ryan's procedure. I had had visions of getting there and then falling apart while they wheeled him away to the operating room; or that Ryan would be terrified when he had to leave us. Praise God it all went well. Bill and I waited in a little room with Ryan while they got everything ready. They gave Ryan a drug to calm him...although I have to say I didn't really notice any of the effects they said might take place (getting lethargic, drowsy, silly...), he is a pretty calm kid to begin with. About 20 minutes of waiting and they were ready to take him back to operate. We kissed Ryan goodbye and told him we would be waiting and everything was going to be fine. As they wheeled him away in his bed, about halfway down the hallway, Ryan popped his head up and called, "I love you." Tears filled my eyes, as I called back to him (all the nurses around were like, "Awww."). Melt my heart!

The whole thing took about an hour. The surgeon came out and told us that everything went very well. They were able to do what they needed to, with the fewest amount of cuts. 20 minutes after speaking to the surgeon we were reunited with our boy in the recovery room. That was the hardest part. When we walked in a nurse was sitting holding him in a rocking chair. She said that when he woke up he was crying for me (ok I had to hold back tears at this point). It was such a sweet moment when I held him in my arms. I felt so sad for him because he was in quite a bit of pain. We were able to leave after about an hour in recovery.

Friday was the hardest day. But, we made it through. Ryan is doing GREAT now (I think all the gifts he received from friends and family helped take his mind off of things...thank you!!!). I cannot believe how well he is doing. It is Sunday and he is already walking around and not needing any pain meds. I suspect the hardest part from here is that he has to be inactive for 3 weeks...meaning no running, wrestling, playing rough...pretty much stuff all boys do. We might just allow more video games the next few weeks! :)

My dad was here the whole weekend which was such a blessing. He was a big help and I am so thankful he was able to come out. Love you dad!!! :)

Thank you all so much for all your prayers, and phone calls and e-mails. They were so appreciated. I felt so at peace during the whole thing. I know all the prayers helped. Thanks for loving our boy with us.

My brave boy before surgery.


The Bailie Clan said...

awwww, bless! what a brave kid, so sweet - to call out that he loved you!!!

so sorry he had to go through this! hopefully this will be the only surgery he'll ever have to go through!!!!!!

what a scary/emotional experience for you all! even if (like you said) it was somewhat of a minor surgery.... he still was put under, right? so that's HUGE - in my opinion.... plus, any time you're having to put your kid in pain.... that's the toughest..just like giving your newborn his/her first shots, etc..... it's sooo hard!

anyway, glad everything went well!


Nicole said...

So glad that everything went well and now the worst is over. Good luck with the restricted activity but since he's so into video games I'm sure that'll help. And btw, I like the most recent blog change. You changed the colors a little.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad everything went well, it is a scary thing to have surgery done (when you are an adult!) much less as a child who has no idea what is going to happen.

Ryan seemed pretty good when I saw him Saturday, thankfully he is healing well!

I got tears in my eyes when I read him calling out to you, that is so sweet!


Janelle and Ella said...

I am SO glad everything went well! I was tearing up reading your recap of the day. You did a great job being strong!

WestKalGal said...

Glad to hear everything went well! I can totally empathize with you... my daughter Afton had cleft palate surgery in Dec. last year. I hope and pray the next 3 weeks go by very quickly for you!

Andy, Shauna, Mianna, Hadley, Grady, and Eli said...

Im so glad the surgery went well and it is now over. I will pray for fast recovery! :)

Our Family said...

Awwww...I'm so glad everything went well! I'm sure that was hard being a Mom and having to send him back like that :(

I'm sure he won't mind playing video games for awhile, however it may be harder to get him away from them in the long run...LOL
