Monday, December 17, 2007

My boy is growing up

On Friday I got together with my friend Amy. Anna was spending the day with grandma (they spent the whole day shopping...lucky girl!) so I took the boy's over to play with Amy's kids. We had such a fun time. We made Christmas cookies while we visited. It was so nice to spend time hanging out, it had been awhile since we had gotten together.

When it was almost time to go, Amy asked if Ryan would like to spend the night. The boys were having such a great time. I talked to Ryan and he was so excited to stay. I was a little unsure of how he would do...this being his first sleepover. How is he even old enough to have sleepovers? :)

No phone call came in the middle of the night. In fact when I went Saturday afternoon to pick him up he cried because he had to leave. I guess I was missed. :) What a big boy he is becoming. I can hardly believe he is almost 5!!! I'm not sure my heart can take my little ones growing up so fast.
Ryan and his friend Quaid


Janelle and Ella said...

I feel the same way. It is so bittersweet. I get so sad that Ella is getting older and growing, but then I'm also excited that she is doing so well and growing up. It's hard.

Amy... said...

I love your family picture in the sidebar!

Isn't it fun to watch the children form friendships? Too cute!

Bethany said...

Oh my! What a big boy! Almost 5? I can't believe it!
